Friday, 19 December 2014

Twas The Day Before Break

Well everyone, we made it! It is the last day before a much deserved and welcomed break. Not being in the classroom this year has made the approach to the holiday much different than in years past. Even though I taught High School kids, the excitement and anticipation of the break was no less than with Elementary students. While our office is decorated and we are all sharing in Christmas cheer, it is very different than having students excited for their break. 

I want to take this final blog post to say thank you. Taking a new job is stressful. Moving away from family and friends to a new city is doubly stressful. However, you have made the transition very easy. You are welcoming and open and I appreciate working with you. I am looking forward to the New Year and all the possibilities it will bring. 

But, I couldn't not post about something that I saw the other day that I think is really amazing.

The Google Story Challenge

The link below will take you to a YouTube video about a National Story Challenge using Google Docs. It is a US challenge but holds a lot of value and interest for us here. Many school districts around Alberta, Canada, and North America are using Google Drive. I think it would be a very interesting activity to connect with these other schools to tell collaborative stories. In order to do so, we would need to partner with another district (or districts). If this is something that intrigues you, please let me know. We can begin working on the process in the New Year.

Google Story Challenge:

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